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Dr. Katherine Bettin is one of the only AASECT-certified sex and relationship psychologists in Richmond. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and grandmother, her life has always revolved around maintaining strong relationships with those around her.

Maynard Bettin

So it wasn’t surprising when she followed a calling to become a therapist. Despite the challenges of raising four children while going back to school, Dr. Bettin recognizes that decision as one of the most important moments in her life.

  • Katherine Bettin offers sex and relationship therapy and counseling to individuals and couples- both married and unmarried- in greater Richmond, VA. She is one of the only AASECT-certified sex.
  • Bettin Handelsgesellschaft mbh & Co. Wir sind ein Berliner Traditionsunternehmen mit insgesamt 9 Standorten in Deutschland und Hauptsitz in Rangsdorf bei Berlin.

Clients are frequently curious as to how Dr. Bettin became interested in the sexual side of individual and couples counseling. It began as a professional interest --- a desire to give more complete and helpful therapy to her clients. As she worked with couples and individuals, sexual issues surfaced again and again. Most of her clients had never spoken with anyone about their sexual concerns, and it became clear that most marriage and family therapists hadn’t been encouraging that kind of open conversation.

Dr. Bettin soon realized that she had no such reluctance exploring sexual issues with her clients, and in turn, they began to feel more and more comfortable discussing this critical part of their lives. In order to help her clients more comprehensively, she became certified in this relatively new but growing field of psychology, challenging even her own inherited notions of sexuality in the process!

Today, Dr. Bettin continues to help individuals and couples conquer their sexual and relationship challenges, putting them back on track to lasting happiness.


Sexual and relationship difficulties are seldom easy to talk about, yet they can really take a toll on your sense of self-worth and your happiness. Imagine feeling more confident, relaxed and playful with intimacy; or more comfortable and easy with your ability to connect with others. Often, opening up to a trained professional in a safe, accepting environment can be an important step towards achieving the intimacy and connection you’ve been missing.

Bettin Man Riley Green

As a licensed psychologist and one of the only AASECT-certified sex therapists in Richmond, Virginia, Dr. Katherine Bettin specializes in sexual and relationship issues for individuals and couples of all sexual orientations and lifestyles. Her conversation-based therapy has helped countless clients achieve lasting happiness in their personal lives.

This website is a place for you to learn more about relationship and sex therapy. Read about the experiences of Dr. Bettin’s past and present clients, or schedule a phone consultation with Dr. Bettin by calling (804) 819-9191.

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