How Much To Tip Blackjack Dealer Rating: 4,4/5 352 reviews
  1. Blackjack Tips Chart
  2. How Much To Tip Poker Dealer

How Much and When to Tip Casino Dealers. The amount that you tip, of course, is relative to how large of stakes you are playing. With that said, you should use day to day economics to be reasonable. For example, if you are playing $25 per hand blackjack and win $500 on the session, a. Five tips to help you win blackjack games Tip 1: learn the basic blackjack strategy. The basic blackjack strategy is a mathematical approach to blackjack that tells you the best moves to make based on the cards you’ve been dealt. The best way to learn this approach is to use a basic blackjack strategy chart. The goal of blackjack is simple - to get as close as possible to 21 without going over, and to have a higher hand than the dealer. If the dealer goes over 21, they bust and lose the game. Registration No Deposit How Much Do You Tip A Blackjack Dealer Bonus - Sloto Cash Casino Available in New York Wagering requirements: 60x; Maximal bet: $10; You should get this How Much Do You Tip A Blackjack Dealer bonus relatively FAST; When you roll-over the bonus the initial bonus value is deducted; Maximal cashout: $180.

Ezugi software provider allows tipping of their live dealers. If you thought Americans were the only people you were required to tip when we bet you will be shocked to know blackjack dealers need tipping too.

But not if you’re in Australia. That’s right – the easy-going down under culture frowns upon the art of flinging the dealer who has just made you a mint a few dollars.

This article is standing up for the right’s of the dealers at casinos, by promoting tipping them. This is how you should go about it, if it’s allowed.

Why do I need to tip the blackjack dealer?

In the same way tipping won’t get you free food in America, tipping your blackjack dealer won’t get you free chips or even better odds. What tipping a blackjack dealer will do is give you better service and even helpful tips you can use in your blackjack career.

Ezugi software provider allows tipping of their live dealers.

While it isn’t a definitive rule you must tip the blackjack dealer, we believe it is good etiquette and can actually help you out at as a player in the long run. Tipping a dealer is expected in some parts of the world, but not in others. If you are tipping the dealer you should base it on service the dealer is providing in terms of your experience. However, you shouldn’t always be tipping and when you are there are certain ways to do so.

How do I tip a blackjack dealer?

You don’t throw your tip at the waitress or overtly announce it to a waiter so tipping a blackjack dealer shouldn’t be any different. There are two options for blackjack players in terms of tipping their dealers. The first option is basically the same as leaving a tip with the bill end of the night after eating out because they received great service.

When you are ready to leave the table, you simply put a chip or chips in the middle of the table, or anywhere on the layout, and tell the dealer it is for them. It is imperative to point out that the chips are for the dealer otherwise they may be mistaken into thinking players are placing another bet. Additionally, this way is best option if you are happy leaving and felt the dealer did a great job. Many players who are up when leaving the blackjack table usually tip the dealer at this point in time.

The second option for tipping blackjack dealers is by making a bet on your hand for the dealer alongside your bet and if it wins it goes to the dealer. However, if it loses then the tip chip goes to the casino and not the dealer at all so there are drawbacks to this option. This bet does not need to be the same amount as your bet either and even if it does lose some dealers enjoy the added thrill and appreciate the bet for them so it could ultimately result in elevating your experience. The latter option isn’t as common but it can be more fun for both you and the dealer. For the former option if the dealer has made your overall experience enjoyable, even when you have had a few losses, it is a good idea to tip. However it is important to note how much you can afford to tip as you don’t want to be out of pocket by tipping the blackjack dealer too much.

How much and how often should I tip the blackjack dealer?

This one is completely up to you. However, many experienced players recommend tipping the blackjack dealer at least $5 every hour. If you can’t afford this however, as you have a set limit, you can tip smaller or less frequently. Other options see players able to tip 10% of every win and nothing on every loss, or players can even work out how many hands they have won and do 10% of that and give it to the dealer at the end when they plan on leaving.

If players are planning on making a bet for the dealer’s tip then they can decide how little or big this bet is or even if they want it to match their own. Regardless, this option is completely up to you and where you are playing. For example, higher limit tables may see players tipping a higher amount than those at lower limit tables.

This is where another great suggestion is to see what other players are doing at the table. If no one is tipping it might not be etiquette to tip or even legal (see below), or if everyone is tipping a certain amount every two hands or so this might be the way to go. Get a feel for the table and the dealer and decide when, how, and how much to tip with that information.

Where shouldn’t I tip blackjack dealers?

Casinos located in Australia and New Zealand forbid any kind of tipping to their dealers, regardless of the game. Why this law is in place isn’t completely known however it could perhaps be attributed to the fact that American dealers make peanuts in comparison to Australian dealers. For example, US dealers may only be on the minimum wage of around $7 per hour, while the lowest wage Aussie dealers may be on is around $18 and therefore US dealers rely on their tips.

Regardless, if you are playing at an Australian or New Zealand land-based casino you aren’t allowed to tip and if a dealer does take a tip it can actually cost them their jobs. Some UK casinos also don’t permit tipping so if you don’t see any other players tipping it might be a good idea to ask the pit boss what the rules are for that land-based casino.

Can I tip online blackjack dealers?

Since online blackjack titles are generated by computers and not human dealers you cannot tip them. However, there is an exception -live dealer blackjack. When playing live dealer blackjack there will be an option on the screen to give the dealer a tip or tips if you are feeling generous. You may find yourself more inclined to tip off the live dealer, who is set up in a studio or sometimes a land-based casino and streamed via a HD feed directly to your screen, if they have contributed to your experience and even created an authentic ambience, or you may just want to practice tipping before you head to a land-based casino which does permit tipping and get some confidence before you try it out at a table with other players. Either way, live dealer blackjack is a great option to try out your tipping strategies.

Benefits of tipping online live blackjack dealers

Why it may seem silly to tip a live dealer blackjack dealer since you are anonymous to them it can actually be quite beneficial. If the online casino you are playing at offers the chat function in their live dealer blackjack title then we recommend tipping and then using this to your advantage by asking the dealer tips and strategy hints.

All you have to to is type out your question and the dealer reads and responds. Since you have tipped the dealer, they are more inclined to respond to you and give you some tips you may not have heard of before.


One of my favorite movie scenes is the scene where Mr. Pink talks about how he’s not going to tip the waitress. It’s in the movie Reservoir Dogs. The moral of that part of the story is that even thugs and criminals usually have enough class to tip a waitress.

A blackjack dealer isn’t a waitress, but Las Vegas is a place where most employees—including the blackjack dealer—make their living from the tips they get from gamblers. And this is true of both the dealers in the low rent places who are dealing $5/hand blackjack and the dealers in the high dollar casinos dealing the $100/hand blackjack games.

In fact, almost everyone in Vegas makes their living off tips, not just the blackjack dealers. Be a class act. Tip your blackjack dealer. This post explains how to tip a blackjack dealer, but I also have some tips about how to tip other casino personnel, too. And if you want to learn more about casino etiquette check our guide.

Why Would You Tip Anyone for Anything?

Tipping is (theoretically) optional, but I recommend everyone to tip no matter what. Even if you get bad service, tip. If it’s really bad service, complain to the management, but tip. After all, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Think about the economics behind tipping for a minute, too. Federal minimum wage is already a criminally low $7.25 per hour, but employees who make tips often only make $2.13 per hour plus tips. In other words, if a minimum wage employee worked 40 hours and didn’t get tips, he’d only make $85.20 for an entire week’s worth of full-time work.

Immanuel Kant, the great philosopher, once explained that when you’re deciding what you should do, consider whether it would be the right thing to do if everyone did it. I’m paraphrasing terribly, here, I know. But if everyone skipped tipping these employees, they’d all be poverty-stricken.

How much to tip blackjack dealer

What’s the point of a tip? Michael Bluejay, a writer I admire, explains that you’re not tipping to ensure good service. You’re tipping to avoid bad service.

And if you’re planning on patronizing a place for any length of time, preventing bad service is something that should be on your mind. Imagine playing slots and not getting any free drinks from the cocktail waitress because you didn’t tip her. What a drag that would be.

How Much Should You Tip Your Blackjack Dealer?

It doesn’t matter how low the stakes are, if you’re gambling in a casino, you should tip your dealer about $5/hour minimum. You can do this in any number of ways, but $5 is the floor, not the ceiling. In fact, if you’re playing for higher stakes, you can (and should) tip more.

And tipping isn’t something you should do only if you’re winning. I’ve seen gamblers who do that, but that’s a low-class approach to tipping. At the same time, just because you’re getting lucky and winning a lot, it doesn’t mean that you need to give the dealer outrageous tips.

Why You Should Tip Dealers Even if They’re Doing a Bad Job

Most casinos require their employees to pool their tips during their shift. If you’re not tipping a dealer because he’s rude, you’re punishing all the casino employees working that shift. Instead of declining to tip, complain to casino management about the dealer’s rudeness.

How to Tip a Blackjack Dealer in Real Life

When you’re tipping a blackjack dealer, or any other casino game dealer, it’s customary to tip using casino chips rather than cash. You can tip a blackjack dealer in one of two ways.

One easy way to tip the dealer is just to push a chip toward the dealer and say, “This is for you.” But it’s more fun to place a bet for the dealer. That way they’re rooting for you to win, too.

You can explain to the dealer that you want to place a bet for them, and they’ll tell you where to put the chip. I’ll tell you now, but if you forget, just ask. You place the bet for the dealer next to your bet. If you win, the dealer wins, too.

You can also tip dealers at other table games, too, especially at the craps and roulette tables. Tell the employees what you want to do, and they’ll explain the correct etiquette for you.

What About Other Casino Employees? How Much and How Do I Tip Them?

I’m a big believer in generously tipping the cocktail waitresses, and I have two reasons for this:

  • The first is that I like to keep the drinks coming while I’m playing. If you’re not tipping well, the cocktail waitresses will ignore you.
  • The second is that the cocktail waitresses work really hard and deal with a lot of nonsense. And they usually have to deal with boorish customers. So, I recommend tipping cocktail waitresses generally.

This means I always give them at least $5 the first time they bring me a drink, and I give them $2 for every subsequent drink. Every couple of hours, I try to give another $5 tip. This has the added benefit of improving the service I’m getting.

Waiters, waitresses, and bartenders should get the standard 15% to 25% tip at most restaurants and bars. I’ve never tipped anyone 15% in my life, always opting to go for 20% or more. I suggest you do the same, especially if you’re going to be a regular at any of these places. Besides, good karma won’t hurt.

20% is also a good rule of thumb for a cab driver, but I always offer a minimum tip of $5, no matter how short the trip is.

I make an exception for buffets. Since all the waitstaff does there is refill your drinks, you don’t need to leave even 15%. I tend to leave $2 for each person in my party. In other words, if five of us are dining, I would tip $10, regardless of the price of the meal.

If you’re tipping a valet for parking your car, you should tip $5. I’ve been known to tip $20 if I’m in a good mood. I’ve seen people suggest that a dollar or two is sufficient, but I’d never tip less than $5 to someone whom I’ve entrusted my car to.

$2 per is the standard rule for most everything, too. If you have a bellman help you with your luggage, you should tip him $2 per bag. If you’re staying in a hotel, you should leave $2 in tip money for housekeeping. That applies to the guy at the airport handling your luggage, too.

Blackjack tips chart

If someone is busking, performing on the street for tips, you should probably be willing to tip them $5, too. You can get away with tipping less, like $2, but it depends on how long you watch them perform.

Getting an Upgrade When You Check Into Your Hotel Room

I’ve seen multiple reports that said you could get a room upgrade by tipping the front desk person $20 when you check in. Don’t just hand the front desk person a $20 and say, hey, can I get a room upgrade for that $20.

Be a little cool about it. When you hand the front desk person your credit card, fold the $20 and include it. Ask if they have any availability in a nicer room at all. You’ll be surprised at how often this works.


Learning how to tip a blackjack dealer is one of the first things you should do in Vegas. For one thing, it means you’re playing the right game. It also means you’ve got a little bit of class.

In fact, you should know how to tip just about anyone in the service industry in Las Vegas. If you can remember to tip 20% for some things and $2 (or $5) for others, you should be fine.

A little common sense goes a long way here. What kind of tipping do you do while you’re in Las Vegas playing blackjack?

Blackjack Tips Chart

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